£69.00 GBP

4 monthly payments

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MummaBfit Weight Loss Program

Embark on a journey where weight loss isn't a sacrifice, but a celebration of delicious victories!

Join MummaBfit's Weight Loss Programme and discover a world where shedding pounds doesn't mean bidding adieu to your favorite indulgences – wine, chocolate, and cake stay firmly on the menu!

Picture this:

💜 No more fleeting weight loss – we're in it for the long haul.
💜 Wave goodbye to "diet" drama – it's banned from our vocabulary.
💜 Reclaim that bag of pre-baby clothes from the loft – it's time for a triumphant return to your favorite shorts!
💜 Trim down without feeling tethered to a treadmill – we keep it realistic and achievable.
💜 Say goodbye to running a separate kitchen operation – family meals don't need to be a culinary circus.

With MummaBfit's weight loss program it's about unfiltered advice, unwavering support, and results that speak for themselves. No smoke, no mirrors, no fads – just a roadmap to a healthier, happier you.

Secure your spot now, and let's kickstart this exciting, no-nonsense journey together! 

This is a 12 week. Payment will be taken monthly on the same date. 

Payments are non refundable inline with MummaBfit T&Cs.