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Basingstokes first tea drinking mum & baby exercise classes; The before and now, there really is no comparison.

May 15, 2023
Basingstoke mum & baby exercise classes, now focusing on tea drinking!

Basingstokes first tea drinking mum & baby exercise classes; The before and now, there really is no comparison.

When I was younger; I’m talking early teens, I loved the idea of being a choreographer when I was older. I loved music and to dance. I loved the idea of teaching groups of people to move their bodies, to dance or even in a group exercise scenario – we all remember the Call on Me music video!

 Now I should mention I never danced as a kid, I have 2 left feet and have zilch rhythm, I was quite into my sports but early teens rather chubby and based this idea of choreography on nothing more than my love of the Backstreet Boys music videos and Britney Spears bursting onto Top of the Pops (note my age?!)

 I floated through school and college not really keen on anything but joining the Police Force (this again is because I wanted a police dog – fun fact; it isn’t so easy to work with them or obtain one!)

 I never actually saw myself becoming a personal trainer, or a fitness instructor, let alone holding mum and baby exercise classes. I think this is the bit that surprises the most, I never used to like kids, the thought of my own of other peoples. 

However, becoming a certified pre and postnatal exercise instructor was something I never ever imagined and certainly didn’t think I would be doing it today; let alone running the sort of business I am.

I wanted to create an exercise class that was so much more than just exercise.

Let me give you a very quick overview of the town I live in, Basingstoke.

Known for its roundabouts, Liz Hurley (apparently) and repetitive DIY stores, Carpet stores and gyms.

Yep, we have more gym facilities than you can shake a stick at, be it a big gyms or small independent gyms. Not to mention a whole host of evening fitness classes, bootcamp and PT’s.

I qualified and joined this overpopulated world in 2015 and would say that now more than ever fitness establishments and PT’s are becoming more and more aware of the needs of a postnatal body. Because 6 years ago postnatal exercise classes were not the “buzz” word they are now.

This aside, it wasn’t the postnatal body that drew me to what I do now and 6 years on I choose not to actively put out that that I can help fix or rehabilitate a postnatal body. I can certainly help you exercise safely and guide you through the exercise minefield, but not rehabilitate or fix.

I am a firm believer that rehabilitation of the postnatal body to fix internal trauma such as prolapses, diastasis recti’s, hernias, SPD or any other damage caused through pregnancy requires a specialist. A female led physio, medial practitioner or someone who specialises directly in female postnatal anatomy.

Whilst I am qualified to work in this area, it is in no way in depth enough to that of the above listed.

Anyways…. I digress…


Any mum will tell you that postnatal health is so much more than just your physical body. 

I found motherhood really hard and if you read my last blog you will see how I met my best mate and how mummas was formed (click here if you missed it and fancy being nosy!)

I am a firm believer that looking after your mental health has a profound impact on your physical health. If mentally you are feeling strong and resourceful then everything else; every little daily activity and functioning becomes easier and more manageable.

The one thing I struggled with the most was the loneliness and isolation.

I had no one, other than some NCT friends, to help me in this disjointed bubble of nappies, milk and colic that I was living in.

Side note: my NCT friends were lovely, still are, but we were all first-time mums with no other comparison. I felt like a failure when their babies were sitting first, crawling first, reciting Shakespeare first or auditioning for latest West End roll in Annie (I joke!)

We were also so different, 8 mums from different walks of life, backgrounds and some of us whose paths would never have crossed if it wasn’t for NCT.

But these ladies were all I had to compare my life and my child too. I felt at the time like I was the only one struggling. I dreaded baby classes with my screaming child, I hated being alone at home with him but equally hated going out and being places. 

Meeting my best mate at an post exercise classes social cup of tea & it was the best thing that happened. I found my own little group of friends that I hung out with, one of the NCT ladies and I became very close, still are, and my wifey along with my friend Ems spent all our time together in those first years

In a world of motherhood they became my tribe and my saviors.

So what’s different now? 

Setting up MummaBfit in 2016 (first class January 2017) everything was focused around the humble cup of tea.

I had the most fun going out and buying stuff to cart around to make teas, a lunch box to store it all in and my first question to any hall was “do you have a kitchen and mugs?”

I *cough* love exercise – I don’t, once I have done it, I love it but my day and life is not focused around it. Looking after my mental health is my priority.

I knew that setting up mum and baby exercise classes was all well and good, but it would just become like any other class. You go in, get settled, exercise & go home.

MummaBfit would only work if the social aspect was its strongest point. Making friends, finding your tribe and having a community to go too was what I wanted to create.

The first couple of classes was a bit missing in this. I don’t think I had the vibe right or pitched myself right.

I was more focused in marketing myself as a postnatal exercise class in Basingstoke that I only assumed people would want to come for a 6 week term and limited the classes to babies only.

I was so focused on others around me, on businesses that were similar, on doing what the book taught and worried to put my head up and be different.

I realised that some mums don’t want to come and exercise to beast their body, some mums don’t care if they can complete 10 burpees in a row, some mums do not aspire to complete a full press up or a pull up. They just want to feel good about themselves and if they only thing they did to feel good was have a good old chit chat, then so be it.

So my business very, very, quickly changed and by the March, in 8 short weeks, I had grown from 2 locations to 8 locations and 11 classes. The age range went right through to pre-schoolers.

The way things are now is completely different; but my ethos has remained the same!

I stood in my barn today (yep still harping on about my new barn) and I am silently proud of what I have achieved. I am not one to openly big myself up or compliment myself, but I will try.

I have created a space that is fun, friendly and chilled. I want my mums to come and want to be there, not necessarily for the workout, but at the other mums they meet there. They come because they have friends there, they know the other mums in class, they feel comfortable around them and supported.

I used to carry in my kit steps and weights, all workouts were written around focusing on rehabbing the core and never anything fun.

Now we play games with cards, random alphabet games, role the dice of doom or partake in a circuit class.

I am not afraid to make a tit of myself, I slide up to anyone who I think needs a smile and chit chat, I am sarcastic and, well, just me!

I focus on fun. Making exercise fun, having fun, the class fun… fun, fun, fun. Relaxed and fun.

I got asked what my mission statement is for MummaBfit.

Apparently, all good businesses should have one. Back then it was a long stuffy thing focusing on all the buzz words and things I thought you, the reader wanted to hear. Things to make me sound professional and like I knew what I was doing. 

Side note - I also called myself "founder and owner" now I call myself the "Chief biscuit dunking tea drinker"

But now…

It couldn’t be clearer or simpler. I want to help mums to feel less alone, to escape the 4 walls and to feel supported, understand and make friends.

All with cuppas, chit chat and biscuits thrown in. The exercise is just an added bonus!

I Wonder where the next 6 years will take me...

Fancy trying us out, even if it is just to see if I make a good cuppa?

Come try us for free if you are unsure or drop me a message and lets chat. We are all socially awkward and unsure; but we all have our own back story and issues and the one thing that is for sure is that we are all here for each other! 

Click here and Follow this link to grab yourself a taster week

I can not wait to meet you - I've perfected the art of tea making! 

Vicky xx