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Cervical Cancer & me

Feb 01, 2024

My brush with Cervical Cancer 

If you don't know me then you won't really believe me when I say I hold nothing back. I try and be as authentic and honest about life as I can be; I work on the theory it brings comfort to others.

Todays blog is absolutely no different if anything writing it I could cry again with relief.

I have been under investigation for cervical cancer since September and today I had the all clear.

The thing is I mentioned this to very few people, my inner circle nearest and dearest knew but that was it. I was to scared to speak about it out loud. 


Let me take you back to 2022

In September 2022 following a clear smear and 9 months post Ollie I had a coil fitted. It was the 6th coil I had had fitted and I had no reason to be concerned as I never had any problems before.


However for those who have followed me for a while will know that with this particular coil I bled and bled and bled. The doctors kind dismissed me and told me it was normal. I had screaming pelvic pain, my back hurt, my vagina hurt, discharge central - yeah I'm going to get graphic here.

8 months latter I was sent for a scan, In April 2023 I went for a scan and found out the coil was in completely wrong and had EMBEDDED itself into my uterus, also offering zero contraception support. Removing it was excruciating. But hay, it was ok because it was the cause of my problems. 


I opted to have another coil refitted once everything settled down. However September 2023 BOOM. Everything returned with a vengeance. Full on 3 month period, pain, back ache, pelvic flashes and if you came to class you will remember my constant backache, I could not burpee, jump or anything. I felt grim, I was in pain and worried. Really worried.


Early detection saves lives.

I went to the doctors because you can't ever get through on the phone or submit a consultation form and was offered an appointment in 8 weeks time. I was stood in the doctors surgery and I burst into tears; it didn't help that a well known lady on SM had passed that day from cancer at the age or 36. I looked at the lady and said "I have 3 young children and I am fairly sure I am presenting all symptoms for cervical cancer 8 weeks could be a case of prevention or treatment"

Needless to day I was seen in 24 hours. 

I will never forget that appointment, the doctor was a level headed lady specializing in female health. I expected her to say "vicky, you're over reacting" but no. I was put on an emergency referral. I sat in the car afterwards and balled my eyes out on the phone to my husband. Elliot had started school the week before and naturally my head went to worst case scenario; I remember sobbing the question would I see Ollie start school.

I know it sounds dramatic but you do go to that point. One of my amazing clients is a pharmacist and has friends in the right places; she got me first class advice and support from her gyne friend. Amareen, I thank you, that support was invaluable. 


Lots of tests and procedures later.

I went cervical examinations and the words that followed were "you have developed a ectropion (a lip on the cervix) which could be nothing, but your cervix is grey. It is puffy and looks unhappy. with your symptoms I'm not happy.

Since October I have been back n forth, I'll spare you the details but bloods, scrapes, swabs and examinations but TODAY my consultant told me she is happy that I am clear.

The one thing she said that had there been developing cancer cells it would have shown on my smear in 2022. The fact there wasn't was a good thing, it gave me hope in a very dark time.




Ladies. You must get your smear

NEVER EVER ignore symptoms or allow yourselves to be fobbed off. 

I have one more scan in 8 weeks but this is to be the sprinkling of glitter on top of the cherry on top of the cake! 

Ironically I have not had a period now for 10 weeks, despite being at a perimenopausal age the doctor said this has most likely been caused by stress. 

I alluded in my emails to stress destroying my body at the end of last year. It really has. My sleep, my diet, my physical appearance, my skin, my hormones, my moods, my work, my mental health. Everything. The worry and stress has controlled me, as much as I have tried not to let it, it has. 


I said nothing because by not talking about it I could ignore things.

But the stress and worry destroyed me.

I have spent the last 6 weeks working on myself, mostly my diet, weight and physical lifestyle. The nurse commented today that my BMI has reduced too! Not that I believe in BMI! 

I am relaunching my weight loss programme this month and its not coming from just a place of qualifications and education but from a place of living proof that I need to take care of you. You need to look after number one. 

Thank you for reading.

Now, is your smear due? Do you have kids? Can you risk not getting checked? It is the most frightening, emotionally draining and gut wrenching place to be when something goes wrong. 

Early prevention saves lives.

Vicky xx 


Don't let google scare you, here are 3 creditable and reliable websites who can offer support and advice if you are concerned.