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Exercise and mum exhaustion, How to get through it!

basingstoke mum and baby exercise classes exhaustion & exercise postnatal exercise postnatal mums Nov 09, 2023

How do I get my newborn to sleep? How many times as a new parent did you google this? I think I broke the internet record myself.

Newborn parenting is hard; being a mum in general is hard and exhausting. Then along comes someone like me suggesting you should scoop up your baby and come to your local mum and baby exercise class?

It goes without saying that being a mum takes you to new levels of exhaustion that you never knew existed. A level of exhaustion that could be used to inflict torture.

The type of exhaustion that hurts, your head hurts, your chest is tight, you feel like you physically wading through mud.

I think the only thing that tops this is newborn exhaustion. The exhaustion that hits about 4 weeks into parenthood; baby is transitioning out of the newborn sleepy zone, you are still recovering from birth and pregnancy, your partner heads back to work and BANG. It hits you like a brick.


Can you tell that I have experienced these levels of exhaustion on many, many occasions? I see you, I feel you!

You are scrolling away and then all of a sudden you wonder across my advert/page. It screams at you "COME EXERICSE!"

Ha! You’ve never heard of anything more ridiculous in your life. You can hardly tie your shoelaces without falling asleep so the last thing you want to do is leave the house, let alone drive to a class and EXERCISE!

You must be kidding?!


On equal measure you long to have that level of energy that would allow you to exercise.

You long to feel more comfortable in your clothes, you long to feel energized, motivated and do something for yourself other than be a milk machine to a small energy sucker – a gorgeous energy sucker at that!

It is possible to have the energy to exercise again, to move your body and workout.


It is possible to exercise even when you are feeling on the bottom of the barrel with nothing more to give.

I promise. I have worked with hundreds and hundreds of postnatal mums, mums of newborns, older children and mums-to-be in the same situation and it is possible; you just need a bit of TLC and some time.


Before I continue, I have to say this and you need to read it and listen: GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK!

Whilst I write this in my normal sarcastic and witty humor I have to put on my sensible hat and talk deep into your soul.

Parenting is so hard, there is no manual and no straight forward answer. I you are reading this because you have cried a thousand tears with exhaustion and frustration then you are not alone. Myself and every other mother out there stands beside you. I bet even Kat Middleton with all her aids and help has cried in exhaustion. 

If you are that exhausted. If you are on your knees exhausted, emotional and unable to function then you need to look after you.

I don’t know what the answer is for you personally, but selfcare has to be a priority and again this is different to you and me.

For me it was getting help. I pushed the big old red panic button when I couldn’t cope. I needed help and I was vocal. My husband took some emergency leave, I got my baby (who screamed and screamed) to the doctors and wouldn’t leave without an answer – side note I knew he had silent reflux and was sick of being fobbed off. I was a mother on the edge, and I made sure they gave us help.

I laid on the sofa with my baby, I did nothing, I bottle feeding so my husband could feed and I slept. I took time out from life outside of the house and looked after number 1 as much as my baby would let me.

I would never, ever, advise you to exercise when you are on the edge and broken – big hugs mumma.


When you do feel up to it, exercise can actually help with those energy levels. As counterproductive as it sounds, it really can.

You have 2 options, stay curled up on the sofa in a sluggish slump or get up and out. Outside you are moving, you are in the fresh air you are mentally away as well as physically.

If you manage to get yourself to a mum and baby exercise class like MummaBfit – we really are fabulous – you get to meet other mums in the same situation. Camaraderie and support in numbers, believe me this honestly turns a crappy day into a good day. Just being surrounded by your tribe is the best feeling.

Of course, at MummaBfit you get a hot cuppa, chin wag and biscuit thrown in and you could find this elsewhere –I mean why would you? I tease – but this really does help.

Exercise is not all about the huff and puff or working until you fatigue, it should be fun and something you do with friends so why can’t it end with a cuppa?


Look to do something right for you, some thing you really enjoy and feel confident partaking in. 

Try not to take yourself to a class you wouldn’t normally go to or have no experience in, this is not going to help your mood or your energy levels. For example, if you hate cycling then you wouldn’t go to a Spinning class, likewise if you are feeling weak then a calisthenics strength class would not be for you.

At MummasBfit we cover everything from cardio to body weight to fun and games, what’s more everything is tailored to you. Everything is adaptable to make it easy and fun for you to feel accomplished in.

If us instructors think we can push you then believe me, we will. But we are antenatal & postnatal fitness trained, and we are mums ourselves, we get it! We know your limits are & we are not some crazed fitness instructors barking orders down head mic at you! (FYI we don’t own head mic sets!)

So, my point here is do something you enjoy, ease yourself back into it carefully and gently.

Lets wrap this up because you can exercise when feeling tired and have a positive impact on your mental health and emotional wellbeing. 

I’m going to end this by pointing out the obvious; no it is not that you should come to MummaBfit mum and baby exercise classes because we don’t make you put your kiddie into a creche or find a babysitter for an hour of awesome fun – you really should come…


You are exhausted, you have a child, be-it a newborn, a toddler with the will power or Satan’s love child, a preschool with the attitude of a miserable unicorn or a preteen with the mindset of a heart broken Kardashian… motherhood is exhausting regardless of the stages you are in. I have 3 boys aged 2, 4 & 12 and they are all exhausted for very different reasons.

Be kind to yourself.

๐Ÿ’™ Lower the bar.

๐Ÿ’œ Lower your expectations.

๐Ÿงก Lower the pressure.

You’ll get there mumma, I promise, you’ll get there. It’s just a phase (argh, I hate that saying) but it is true. This will pass.

 Vicky xx