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The Rubbish Facts of Motherhood!

basingstoke mum and baby exercise classes diastasis recti pelvic floor rehab postnatal core strength & rehab postnatal mums Nov 07, 2023
Postnatal recovery, the fun facts

Motherhood: Rubbish facts and weakened backs

Postnatally you know you, all being well, that you will have a snuggly warm bundle of joy to sit cuddle and marvel over. Smelling that gorgeous newborn smell that makes my ovaries leap. 

But what also happens, and this is the bit that rarely gets talked about, our bodies feel battered, weakened and exhausted. This goes far beyond the 6 week postpartum healing process. 

As we mothers know pregnancy and motherhood are transformative experiences that bring immense joy and fulfillment to our lives. Even with all the highs and lows!

However, it also brings about a frightening amount of challenges, especially when it comes to the physical changes and weaknesses that affect the core of a woman's body.

While we celebrate the miracles of childbirth and parenthood, it's essential to acknowledge the toll these experiences can take on a mother's body and the profound impact on her core strength. 

Not only acknowledge but recognise that we are not alone in the feelings of this.


Your body has grown a small human! It has expanded and given up sole occupancy of just you to you and your growing baby. 

Pregnancy places a remarkable demand on a woman's body, particularly the core muscles which I think we forget as our bodies expand and grow with pregnancy.

As the baby grows, the strain on the spine, abdominal muscles, and pelvic floor intensifies. The muscles that once provided stability are stretched and weakened to accommodate the developing fetus. It is little wonder that pregnancy can leave the vast majority of mums-to-be feeling physically drained and her body's core strength significantly diminished.


Once we have given birth, be it via the sunroof (big wave to my fellow c-sectioners) or naturally, the challenges don't end with childbirth. Yes the elation and happy bubble a newborn baby brings is incredible but our bodies are left battered and bruised.


Is it any wonder our body quite often does not feeling like our own? Many, many, mums walk away from pregnancy with an anger and disgust towards their body and unfamiliar with its new shape and feel. 

We find our body acts differently, feels unfamiliar, and responds in unpredictable ways. It's common for new mothers to experience muscle imbalances, weakened abdominal muscles (a condition known as diastasis recti), and pelvic floor issues.

One significant contributor to postpartum weakness is the hormone relaxin. This hormone, which surges during pregnancy, continues to linger in the body, making muscles and ligaments more pliable. While relaxin is crucial for childbirth, its persistence can leave the core muscles in a state of vulnerability, contributing to the feeling of weakness that many mothers face.


Don't even talk to me about exhaustion, physical and mental exhaustion! The relentless demands of motherhood, from sleepless nights to endless caretaking, only add to the physical challenges. Us mums put our own well-being on the back burner as we prioritise our little baby bundle, additional children, husbands, housework and paying the electricity bill! 


Naturally us mums unintentionally neglect our own health and put everyone else before ourselves. Even if we intend to pay ourselves some attention, 9 times out of 10, it goes by the way side. 

The combination of weakened core muscles, muscle imbalances, and ongoing fatigue can result in an overwhelming sense of physical weakness. The journey of motherhood is filled with love and beauty, but it's essential to address the physical struggles that often remain hidden. A weak core can have a significant impact on our overall well-being, from causing back pain to affecting our own self-esteem.


This is where I can help you because my core strength course is exactly what you need to strength your core and fix yourself from the inside out. 

This is where my Core Strength Course is for you, struggling with a battered and weakened core. Where you are looking for confidence and strength to reappear and to reclaim back your body.

Created with the understanding of a mother's unique needs, this course provides support and education to help mothers regain their strength and confidence. It's not about rushing through a fitness regimen; it's about nurturing the body, understanding the core's dynamics, and empowering you to rebuild your physical strength from the inside out.

You need to put yourself first; allow yourself time to heal and strengthen  so that this time next year you aren't still struggling with a weak back, leaking bladder or feeling of weakness.

Reclaiming core strength can be a transformative journey that not only benefits your physical health but also contributes to your overall happiness and confidence. 


Wednesday 29th November @ 10:40

Click the link for more info and get yourself booked on; It's time to reclaim your core! 

Vicky xx